Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My first ever second post

Every now and then I get these emails from Amazon, as I'm sure most people do, which recommend things for me to buy based on my previous purchases. Today I received one such email recommending 2 items.

1) Seinfeld Season 8 DVD boxset
Why? "...because you purchased or rated: Seinfeld Seasons 1-3 [1993], Seinfeld Season 4, Seinfeld Season 5, Seinfeld Season 6, Seinfeld Series 7"

Fair enough, the second item...

2) "The God Delusion" (book) by Richard Dawkins, described in one review as " acerbic polemic that argues that the Abrahamic religion, from which Christianity, Judaism and Islam are off-springs, are essentially at odds with and diametrically opposed to modern, educated, scientifically aware societies."
Why? "...because you purchased or rated: Philips SBC HP820 Headphones"

Am I missing something??


Robert said...

It's clearly an attempt by the Great Satan, Amazon, to corrupt you and your pious ways.

And get the book anyway. It's good.

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